Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Civil Rights Movement - 1708 Words

The civil rights movement comprised efforts of grassroots activists and national leaders to obtain for African Americans the basic rights guaranteed to American citizens in the Constitution. The key players in succeeding with the civil rights movement were the soldiers returning from the war, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the anti-Vietnam War activists. During the civil rights movement, nearly every African American had experienced segregation at lunch stands. In a Journal by Melvin Small, she stated, â€Å"Just as with the segregated buses in Montgomery, Alabama the African-American community, especially the segment of college students, had once again reached its saturation†¦show more content†¦College students and lower grade black students helped to stand up against the racial cruelty. Although the war was taking place, students across the nation took advantage of it by protesting nonviolent for justice. This was just a small piece of the puzzle for justice in the United States because the black soldiers played an even bigger role in the success of the movement. Soldiers of WWII had a substantial impact on the civil rights movement. In the book, A Breath of Freedom, it stated, â€Å"During World War II the African American population pushed for equality and integration of the United States military, which, at the time, remained in accordance with the culture and customs of the white majority by keeping the two races segregated (Hà ¶hn).† The term, separate but equal, made famous by the United States Supreme Court case Plessy vs. Ferguson remained instantiated as the law to abide by in reference to racial policy (Hà ¶hn). This concept of keeping both races segregated had permeated across the United States and was the prominent view of most white citizens during this period. Segregation was seen from a white point-of-view as a way for both races to live within the society without racial conflict and tension. Separation of blacks and whites stretched across all societal institutions, including the United States Military. During the clo sing years of World War II and increasingly thereafter, African American GIs (Government Issued) complainedShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of The Civil Rights Movement1179 Words   |  5 Pagessegregations. Out of the numerous elements that arose in the 1960s, there are three movements that truly affected the American society. Firstly, the rise of the civil rights movement was greatly influenced by racial discrimination of colored people in the South. Secondly, the women’s movement aimed to convince the society that women are capable of achieving and maintaining higher waged job like males. Lastly, the gay rights movement aimed to gain acceptance and stop discrimination of homosexuality. 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