Friday, December 27, 2019

What You Don t Know Might Kill You - 1745 Words

What You Don’t Know Might Kill You Millions of Americans wake up every morning and make a decision about what they will eat for breakfast to jump-start their day. Some may reach for a bowl of Cheerios or multigrain cereal, while others may opt for yogurt, toast, or a pastry. Some people choose to wash down their breakfast with pulp-free orange juice, while some may drink a protein drink or an invigorating coffee to get them going. For lunch, many people will consume sandwiches piled high with meats and cheeses or perhaps a cheap meal from the nearest fast food restaurant. When it comes to dinner, this meal may vary from family to family, but most dinners consist of a starch or two, a kind of meat, some variation of a vegetable on a good day, and a dessert to finish out the day. People who regularly eat this way have more than just food in common. In fact, most people who constantly eat the previously mentioned American diet, suffer from some sort of physical, mental, or emotional illness, whether it be chronic headaches, poor gut health, obesity, diabetes, asthma, chronic fatigue, ADHD, anxiety, or any of the other thousands of health problems. Many people suffering from these illnesses are led to believe that there is no direct cure and that they will just have to cope with their illness. However, what most of those people do not realize is that many of the diseases they are plagued with are often caused by the chemicals that make up their food. Even if the chemicals doShow MoreRelatedPray, Ayanda! I Need Ma. Please Pray.. Only A Prayer Will1539 Words   |  7 Pageshas been shot. He s dead. Do you know that moving... or disposing of the body is a serious offence?#10; - I left him lying there. - You should really consider getting a lawyer. - Mxo! - Zweli. Bra. Mxo! Mxolisi! Doctor, how s it looking? Doctor, I m talking to you! Will he make it? He s lost a lot of blood. He must be admitted at a hospital. - How can he go to the hospital? - I ve managed to stop the bleeding. He needs a blood transfusion. I can t do that in this dirty shack. ButRead MoreRob And Ian Walk On Screen713 Words   |  3 Pagesand don t be intimidated. I will be here right next to you. This will make our plan work, don t you forget that. Rob: Stay by messed just in case I mess up. Ian: I am right here. Be calm and keep your hands steady. (Ian moves out of the way) Rob: I don t feel right about doing this, but he has given me some good reasons to do it. It s just one person, no problem. I pull the trigger and he s dead. Ian: (to himself) I ve made this Rob really angry. It doesn t matterRead MoreThe Dangers Of Drinking And Driving1624 Words   |  7 Pagesdrunk because they don’t feel good and want to get home but most likely they get in a car crash and have to go to the hospital for injuries. 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The man finally made them believe them When thawne walked up. â€Å"well you finally found out.† Thawne explained that he did try to kill them but he failed. â€Å"I don t understand you’ll just leave us alone?† said Tanner. â€Å"Of Course I willRead MoreI Am Planning On Buying The Xulu Panelbeaters1630 Words   |  7 Pagesother. - What do you mean you love each other? - Melusi, I didn t plan any of this. Ever since I came back you call me Melusi and not Baba, because you love him! - We didn t know you d come back. - I m not talking to you! Look, we didn t do this on purpose. We spent a lot of time together after the case... I m talking to my wife! After the case? Zulu, you ve been making a fool of me. I took you in, and you made a move on my wife in my house! #10; It wasn t like that! You took advantageRead MoreThe Day Before Sunrise1569 Words   |  7 Pagesrequired to hunt for food, we start as early as twelve years old, I have been doing this for six years now. Trust me when I tell you the only way to get out of it is if you re on the brink of death. The women can either work at what s left of the factories during the day making hunting and farming equipment, or teach classes to girls and boys about what is and isn t safe in the forest. Hunting is finished at sundown then we head over to the factories for a proper shutdown. Hunting is the utmostRead MoreSuicidal Thoughts On A Young Mind : A Permanent Solution For A Temporary Problem1507 Words   |  7 PagesThose who choose suicide, choose to give up on life. Many who make the decision to end his or her life is teenagers. It is no secret that the average teenager deals with a lot of emotions and difficulties. Certain situations come about that adults know will pass but to someone still in their adolescents ye ars find to big too handle. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Effects Of Women Mariner On Board Essay - 1450 Words

EFFECTS OF WOMEN MARINER ON BOARD Introduction In the history of overseeing like exploration, expedition and transportation. Women are prohibited to join, because many companies did not allow or trust women in handling heavy work or job like that. An example of it was the culture of Filipinos, men or husband should work for their family, to support them in their needs while women or wife should be in the house only to care and for keeping their kids and cook for them, as well as, do house chores. And the Lord God said, â€Å"It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Adam said, â€Å"This is now the bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man† (Genesis 2:18-23). As I have understood in this verse, men cannot be live alone without a help of an opposite, because if you are not complete, there are things that can complete your life and to fulfill its missing part. So, Lord God created a woman that fulfills the life of Adam. The first women marine was Opha Mae Johnson, she was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1918. The United States Marine Corps was established after the American Revolutionary War and formed by Captain Samuel Nicholas by a resolution of the Second Continental Congress on 10 November 1775. So after 143 years, more than a century, a woman had been recognized as a part of Marine Corps. (Women Marine Association, 2002). Related Literature There will beShow MoreRelatedEssay On Canadian War Effort949 Words   |  4 PagesThe federal government transformed the Canadian lifestyle by introducing rationing which limited the quantity and type of goods we consumed. On September 3, 1939, Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s government established the Wartime Prices and Trade Board (WPTB) which introduced rationing and controlled prices to avoid inflation. 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Irony can vary in tone, from humorous to bitter. Example- Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge: â€Å"Water, water, every where, and all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink.† Diction: choice of words. A writing style may vary according to the level of diction: formal or informal. Other terms to distinguish dictionRead MoreDisney Case Study Marketing4482 Words   |  18 Pagesdied in a helicopter crash, the former CEO Michael Eisner refused to give his post to Disney Studio Chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, therefore he resigned and founded DreamWorks. Michael Ovitz was hired instead as COO, with a minimal involvement from the board. He only lasted 14 months and he engendered a long running derivative suit, which finally ended in June 2006. As the Katzenberg case dragged on as his contract included a portion of the film revenue from ancillary markets forever. 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Carnival got its start in 1972 with a single ship, the Mardi Gras, a converted ocean liner which featured a number of innovative features along with a festive on-board ambiance unlike any other cruise ship sailing at the time. The success of the Mardi Gras was instrumental in Carnival’s growth. The entrepreneurial spirit and pioneering vision of Carnival’s founder, the late Ted Arison, provided a solid foundationRead MoreGung Ho Movie Analysis9681 Words   |  39 Pagespossible taking this fact into account. In other words, we interpreted a prior interpretation. For our theoretical analysis of the Japanese and American cultures we also made some strong assumptions. Indeed, we chose not to take into account the effects of globalization, economy and its transnational influences upon cultures. Moreover, for our analysis we will assume the American and Japanese cultures to be homogeneous across their respective country. In addition, we have to keep in mind that ourRead Mor eBose Ride7767 Words   |  32 Pagesare a member of Nordic Group of companies and are located in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Seats Inc. has distributors throughout North America, and offers an extensive product line of highway seating, off highway seating, turf seating, school bus seating, mariner seating, office chair seating and locomotive seating. Seats Inc. is quality certified to ISO 9001:2000. This certification gives customers an added sense of reliability of the products. Due to this certification, customers understand that they have

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Playing the Game free essay sample

The furious pushing of buttons was music to my ears. My sister and I sat cuddling on the couch, our breath becoming one. My father was looking at the T.V. screen trying to not to blink. While my mother, at the edge of her seat, leaned over her pregnant belly. The ominous Japanese music hinted of danger. Most nights of my childhood were like this. After my father would get home from work, I would run over to the Nintendo 64 and press the power button. The Legend of Zelda was the only game we ever played. The light flashed and the screen illuminated the dark room. We sat down as a family, beating this game together. The character on the screen would swing his sword and defeat the evil creatures haunting our world. Click. I turned on the Nintendo 64, now covered in dust. The TV screen flashed and I sat down, controller in hand. We will write a custom essay sample on Playing the Game or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My littlest sister looked at the screen wide eyed, some how recognizing it, even if she was never really there. The high-pitched Japanese music was the melody of our family. â€Å"I missed you.† I whispered to the game. Clicking the button, I started replaying through the misadventures of my childhood. There stood Shigeru Miyamoto’s famous character in the green tunic. The graphics were still great quality; an amazing feat for the industry had changed so much within the ten years since it had been released. An hour or so into it, I came across a scenario in which I was to follow a monkey into a forest maze. I was pulled back into the night where my father first played that same scenario. It had been an awful day. I was crying and my mother was frustrated at my childish emotion. â€Å"You can’t be so bossy, Gillian.† She looked at me from across the dinner table. My father shook his head. â€Å"I- I just wanted to be the leader for once. Caroline is-à ¢â‚¬  â€Å"This isn’t about Caroline, this is about you being bossy,† I pushed around the food on my plate, sobbing. My Mother’s tone softened. â€Å"I love you. I just want you to be happy, and you won’t make very many friends being bossy.† My father picked me up and left the room. We went into the family room and he clicked the power button. â€Å"Let’s play Hink.† He referred to what I used to call the game. He followed the Monkey through the maze, getting to the prize at the end. I snapped back to the task at hand, trying not to remember my past immaturity. I had grown so much since then, but yet in some ways I had grown so little. I still was mildly stubborn, and incredibly ambitious. Replaying the game. Never changing the past. My family today is slightly more fractured than it was years ago, but that’s the toll growing up takes. Even so, they are the most important part of my life. My Sister’s my best friend s, and my parents my heroes. I will always cherish the time we spend together. The game influenced me in many ways. My sister and I will always have the music on our iPod’s, my family will always have the games, and I will most likely play it for years. It served as the glue in our family during the rough times. It remains to be the reminder that we can be together no matter what happens. Whether our character gets hurt, or when my mother is diagnosed with breast cancer. We have and will get through it together.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Television And Violence Essays - Dispute Resolution, Crime, Ethics

Television And Violence Boink! Boom! Crack! The sounds of the fight scene rage on. Many have fallen in this particularly bloody battle. The good guys have taken their losses but struggle on to what is seemingly a victory. Their aggression is fierce and helps them. Fires consume the background; men and women lie on the ground in pain. Even if it weren't for the bombs, missiles, bullets, etc. that are flying around, hand-to-hand combat would have got the better of them. It was a classic battle scene when looking back at it, a true testament of blood, hell, and gore. This may sound like a heroic made-for-TV movie shown only on primetime in the hopes of recruiting a mature audience. But it is not. In fact, it is just another Saturday-morning special of GI Joe, "The Real American Hero," that I watched with my brother and cousins. We were religious followers of the show, tuning in every week to see how Sergeant Slaughter, Duke and the rest of the gang would handle the likes of King Cobra and his cronies. GI Joe's early morning time slot encouraged kids, like us, to tune in every weekend. While eating our CheeriosTM and Frosted FlakesTM we got a dose of some real fightin' action, in excess of fifty violent scenes for the morning: there is more than enough to fill the appetite. The truth is, violence on television is on every single day. It takes its toll on society, especially children. The damage done by violence on television is detrimental and confirmed by statistics, case studies, and personal experiences. Fistfights, shootouts, car crashes, rapes... Take your pick. Violence is everywhere on television, sometimes gory and gruesome, other times clean and remote. It is not just the Saturday morning cartoons; clips from action-adventure series, the nightly news and MTV are interwoven with violence and extremely mature content. Prime-time programs can average eight hostile acts per hour; children's shows four times as much (Bajpai, 1996, ps. 45-52). To television Programmers, violence is depicted as a normal, justified response to conflict and threat. They will encourage identification with the aggressor; domination and submission, to them, are often equated with pleasure and worth. Yet numerous researchers have put much time into discovering why children are so attached by the television and the action that takes place within it. They prove that it is definitely a major source of violent behavior in children. Their research proves time and time again that aggression and television viewing do go hand in hand. The truth about television violence and children has been shown. Many people and critics try to ignore it and hope that it will go away. Others do not even seem to care and try to attack these ideas. However, the facts are undeniable and all the results point to one conclusion: Television violence causes children to be violent and the effects can be life-long. The effects of the television are first visible even at the most basic level of life, children and adolescents. The modern-day extent of viewing by humans, especially Americans, is astronomical. Children begin to watch television at very early ages, often when they are newborns. At this time they are obviously not able to follow along or be influenced by it, but they are subjected to it nevertheless. This early start will lead most childhood viewers into a cult-like trance by the time they reach the age of three. In between breakfast and lunch, playtime and naptime, class and dinner, all children find a way to watch the tube. The typical American household has the television set on for more than seven hours each day and children ages two to eleven spend an average of twenty-eight hours per week viewing (Murray, 1996, p. 1). Some research has also estimated that by the time a child or teen of today's generation reaches the age of seventy, he will have spent nearly seven years of his life watching television. That is nearly ten percent of one's life lives watching television. That is insane; to say that you and I will spend years upon years, watching television. There is so much that people, even we, could do in a seven-year period. Entire wars can be fought in seven years, college educations can be attained, millions of people will be born and millions will die, many things can happen that have more significance than seven years of television. That is a very large percentage of time to be doing solely one thing, and the fact that that one