Friday, December 27, 2019

What You Don t Know Might Kill You - 1745 Words

What You Don’t Know Might Kill You Millions of Americans wake up every morning and make a decision about what they will eat for breakfast to jump-start their day. Some may reach for a bowl of Cheerios or multigrain cereal, while others may opt for yogurt, toast, or a pastry. Some people choose to wash down their breakfast with pulp-free orange juice, while some may drink a protein drink or an invigorating coffee to get them going. For lunch, many people will consume sandwiches piled high with meats and cheeses or perhaps a cheap meal from the nearest fast food restaurant. When it comes to dinner, this meal may vary from family to family, but most dinners consist of a starch or two, a kind of meat, some variation of a vegetable on a good day, and a dessert to finish out the day. People who regularly eat this way have more than just food in common. In fact, most people who constantly eat the previously mentioned American diet, suffer from some sort of physical, mental, or emotional illness, whether it be chronic headaches, poor gut health, obesity, diabetes, asthma, chronic fatigue, ADHD, anxiety, or any of the other thousands of health problems. Many people suffering from these illnesses are led to believe that there is no direct cure and that they will just have to cope with their illness. However, what most of those people do not realize is that many of the diseases they are plagued with are often caused by the chemicals that make up their food. Even if the chemicals doShow MoreRelatedPray, Ayanda! I Need Ma. Please Pray.. Only A Prayer Will1539 Words   |  7 Pageshas been shot. He s dead. Do you know that moving... or disposing of the body is a serious offence?#10; - I left him lying there. - You should really consider getting a lawyer. - Mxo! - Zweli. Bra. Mxo! Mxolisi! Doctor, how s it looking? Doctor, I m talking to you! Will he make it? He s lost a lot of blood. He must be admitted at a hospital. - How can he go to the hospital? - I ve managed to stop the bleeding. He needs a blood transfusion. I can t do that in this dirty shack. ButRead MoreRob And Ian Walk On Screen713 Words   |  3 Pagesand don t be intimidated. I will be here right next to you. This will make our plan work, don t you forget that. Rob: Stay by messed just in case I mess up. Ian: I am right here. Be calm and keep your hands steady. (Ian moves out of the way) Rob: I don t feel right about doing this, but he has given me some good reasons to do it. It s just one person, no problem. I pull the trigger and he s dead. Ian: (to himself) I ve made this Rob really angry. It doesn t matterRead MoreThe Dangers Of Drinking And Driving1624 Words   |  7 Pagesdrunk because they don’t feel good and want to get home but most likely they get in a car crash and have to go to the hospital for injuries. They also don’t remember getting in the crash because they just usually leave and the next day they forget what happen because of the hangover the next day and they usually stay inside the next day because they don’t feel good. They don’t care though because they like the feeling of being drunk because they think it feels good to be drunk when it really isn’tRead MoreEssay about Euthanasia Should be Allowed1214 Words   |  5 Pages What happens to a person when they get so depressed that they are on the verge of suicide? Well the only answer would be to commit it. But what if that person cant find the guts to go through it alone. Well then they ask for assistance. This is called assisted suicide. Assisted suicide or in other words euthanasia is the killing by an act of an independent human being for their own benefit. There are many kinds of definitions that one must argue the fact of, what is euthanasia. Well you would haveRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Mock Accident 1593 Words   |  7 Pages Do you know how many teens drink and drive and how many of them die. Lets focus on how many teens that drink underage. Since 1991 there were more teens drinking at that time then there was in 2005 yes there ain t as many teens that drink. 85% of the teens that do drink and drive have had more than one drink they have had up to five drinks. Teens that think they can drive after just having a beer or two are wrong, first of all you shouldn t drive if you had anything to drink at all. If you do haveRead MoreSummary Of Death Dealer 769 Words   |  4 Pagesman was freakishly tall with gruesomely evil looking eyes. â€Å"I wasn t the one who hurt you.† said the man. â€Å"If it wasn’t you then who was it!† â€Å"Please don t yell Thawne is listening.† â€Å"tThawne was the one who save me!† said Matt. â€Å"No it was me.† the man claimed. The man finally made them believe them When thawne walked up. â€Å"well you finally found out.† Thawne explained that he did try to kill them but he failed. â€Å"I don t understand you’ll just leave us alone?† said Tanner. â€Å"Of Course I willRead MoreI Am Planning On Buying The Xulu Panelbeaters1630 Words   |  7 Pagesother. - What do you mean you love each other? - Melusi, I didn t plan any of this. Ever since I came back you call me Melusi and not Baba, because you love him! - We didn t know you d come back. - I m not talking to you! Look, we didn t do this on purpose. We spent a lot of time together after the case... I m talking to my wife! After the case? Zulu, you ve been making a fool of me. I took you in, and you made a move on my wife in my house! #10; It wasn t like that! You took advantageRead MoreThe Day Before Sunrise1569 Words   |  7 Pagesrequired to hunt for food, we start as early as twelve years old, I have been doing this for six years now. Trust me when I tell you the only way to get out of it is if you re on the brink of death. The women can either work at what s left of the factories during the day making hunting and farming equipment, or teach classes to girls and boys about what is and isn t safe in the forest. Hunting is finished at sundown then we head over to the factories for a proper shutdown. Hunting is the utmostRead MoreSuicidal Thoughts On A Young Mind : A Permanent Solution For A Temporary Problem1507 Words   |  7 PagesThose who choose suicide, choose to give up on life. Many who make the decision to end his or her life is teenagers. It is no secret that the average teenager deals with a lot of emotions and difficulties. Certain situations come about that adults know will pass but to someone still in their adolescents ye ars find to big too handle. The end of the world comes around frequently for someone between the ages of pre-teens and adulthood and sadly for them death is the only answer to the problems theyRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth 1202 Words   |  5 Pageswas not an accident. Just thinking about what Banquo said made Macduff very troubled. The weird sisters said that Macbeth was going to become the king stated Banqou. Well, do you believe it asked Macduff. Of course not, but look at what s happening, King Duncan has died, don t you think that s just more than a coincidence? asked Banquo. Yeah, I know what you mean, something weird is going on. answered Macduff. Well, I don t know about you, but I m going to get out of this country

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Effects Of Women Mariner On Board Essay - 1450 Words

EFFECTS OF WOMEN MARINER ON BOARD Introduction In the history of overseeing like exploration, expedition and transportation. Women are prohibited to join, because many companies did not allow or trust women in handling heavy work or job like that. An example of it was the culture of Filipinos, men or husband should work for their family, to support them in their needs while women or wife should be in the house only to care and for keeping their kids and cook for them, as well as, do house chores. And the Lord God said, â€Å"It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Adam said, â€Å"This is now the bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man† (Genesis 2:18-23). As I have understood in this verse, men cannot be live alone without a help of an opposite, because if you are not complete, there are things that can complete your life and to fulfill its missing part. So, Lord God created a woman that fulfills the life of Adam. The first women marine was Opha Mae Johnson, she was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1918. The United States Marine Corps was established after the American Revolutionary War and formed by Captain Samuel Nicholas by a resolution of the Second Continental Congress on 10 November 1775. So after 143 years, more than a century, a woman had been recognized as a part of Marine Corps. (Women Marine Association, 2002). Related Literature There will beShow MoreRelatedEssay On Canadian War Effort949 Words   |  4 PagesThe federal government transformed the Canadian lifestyle by introducing rationing which limited the quantity and type of goods we consumed. On September 3, 1939, Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s government established the Wartime Prices and Trade Board (WPTB) which introduced rationing and controlled prices to avoid inflation. Every Canadian was issued a ration card to buy essentials such as sugar, meat, gasoline etc. Even though the cards restricted the number of goods it ensured the limit wasRead MoreEssay Publishing Industry: Irish Artists and Book Illustration1540 Words   |  7 Pagesgenerated his impressive reputation as a book illustrator. Unfortunately, early in Clarke’s career in 1916 when he was illustrating The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the Easter Rising occurred and all of his illustrations and blocks that he had been working on were burned in the fire at Maunsel Company. His work on The Rime of the Ancient Mariner had been put on hold since Harrap had hired him for Andersen’s Fairy Tales. Clarke’s career was particularly unique because he was not only an illustratorRead MorePoetic Devices and Poems3332 Words   |  14 Pagesthe perception of discrepancy, usually between apparent and real significance. It is an indirect way of communicating an attitude. Irony can vary in tone, from humorous to bitter. Example- Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge: â€Å"Water, water, every where, and all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink.† Diction: choice of words. A writing style may vary according to the level of diction: formal or informal. Other terms to distinguish dictionRead MoreDisney Case Study Marketing4482 Words   |  18 Pagesdied in a helicopter crash, the former CEO Michael Eisner refused to give his post to Disney Studio Chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, therefore he resigned and founded DreamWorks. Michael Ovitz was hired instead as COO, with a minimal involvement from the board. He only lasted 14 months and he engendered a long running derivative suit, which finally ended in June 2006. As the Katzenberg case dragged on as his contract included a portion of the film revenue from ancillary markets forever. Katzenberg had offeredRead MoreEngaged Leadership: The New Public Service Managerialism6322 Words   |  26 PagesWales and the demand this is placing upon Welsh managers and leaders to develop a wider and more relevant skills port folio. Within a trans-national context, the challenges faced by manager s in Wales are not dissimilar from those faced by men and women leading and managing services in other parts of the UK. We can of course find variations in the wider public service policy context often described as the clear red water (Morgan, 2002) distinguishing the philosophy and principles underpinningRead MoreEssay on William Randolph Hearst and the Spanish American War4516 Words   |  19 Pagesfound what would become the passion of his life- publishing. (Nasaw) William was a very popular young man at Harvard. The excessive allowance sent by his mother each month allowed him to wine and dine his friends and to keep many young, working class women on his arm. He was a member of the â€Å"Hasty Pudding† acting society and later became the business manager of the Harvard Lampoon. His financial stewardship of the group was brilliant and in a move that would signal the beginning of his life in publishingRead MoreStylistic Potential of the English Noun16714 Words   |  67 Pagesof men and women are uncomfortable using constructions that have been criticized for being sexist. Since there is little to be gained by offending people in one’s audience, it makes sense to educate oneself about the issues involved and to try to accommodate at least some of these concerns. The use of the sexist language can sometimes lead to ambiguity. There is an example with the term policemen in the book. While using it, it is not clear whether the speaker is excluding women police officersRead MoreCarnival Cruise Lines: Long and Short Term Strategies Essay8254 Words   |  34 Pagesturning a $1 investment into the most popular and profitable cruise line in the world. Carnival got its start in 1972 with a single ship, the Mardi Gras, a converted ocean liner which featured a number of innovative features along with a festive on-board ambiance unlike any other cruise ship sailing at the time. The success of the Mardi Gras was instrumental in Carnival’s growth. The entrepreneurial spirit and pioneering vision of Carnival’s founder, the late Ted Arison, provided a solid foundationRead MoreGung Ho Movie Analysis9681 Words   |  39 Pagespossible taking this fact into account. In other words, we interpreted a prior interpretation. For our theoretical analysis of the Japanese and American cultures we also made some strong assumptions. Indeed, we chose not to take into account the effects of globalization, economy and its transnational influences upon cultures. Moreover, for our analysis we will assume the American and Japanese cultures to be homogeneous across their respective country. In addition, we have to keep in mind that ourRead Mor eBose Ride7767 Words   |  32 Pagesare a member of Nordic Group of companies and are located in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Seats Inc. has distributors throughout North America, and offers an extensive product line of highway seating, off highway seating, turf seating, school bus seating, mariner seating, office chair seating and locomotive seating. Seats Inc. is quality certified to ISO 9001:2000. This certification gives customers an added sense of reliability of the products. Due to this certification, customers understand that they have

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Playing the Game free essay sample

The furious pushing of buttons was music to my ears. My sister and I sat cuddling on the couch, our breath becoming one. My father was looking at the T.V. screen trying to not to blink. While my mother, at the edge of her seat, leaned over her pregnant belly. The ominous Japanese music hinted of danger. Most nights of my childhood were like this. After my father would get home from work, I would run over to the Nintendo 64 and press the power button. The Legend of Zelda was the only game we ever played. The light flashed and the screen illuminated the dark room. We sat down as a family, beating this game together. The character on the screen would swing his sword and defeat the evil creatures haunting our world. Click. I turned on the Nintendo 64, now covered in dust. The TV screen flashed and I sat down, controller in hand. We will write a custom essay sample on Playing the Game or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My littlest sister looked at the screen wide eyed, some how recognizing it, even if she was never really there. The high-pitched Japanese music was the melody of our family. â€Å"I missed you.† I whispered to the game. Clicking the button, I started replaying through the misadventures of my childhood. There stood Shigeru Miyamoto’s famous character in the green tunic. The graphics were still great quality; an amazing feat for the industry had changed so much within the ten years since it had been released. An hour or so into it, I came across a scenario in which I was to follow a monkey into a forest maze. I was pulled back into the night where my father first played that same scenario. It had been an awful day. I was crying and my mother was frustrated at my childish emotion. â€Å"You can’t be so bossy, Gillian.† She looked at me from across the dinner table. My father shook his head. â€Å"I- I just wanted to be the leader for once. Caroline is-à ¢â‚¬  â€Å"This isn’t about Caroline, this is about you being bossy,† I pushed around the food on my plate, sobbing. My Mother’s tone softened. â€Å"I love you. I just want you to be happy, and you won’t make very many friends being bossy.† My father picked me up and left the room. We went into the family room and he clicked the power button. â€Å"Let’s play Hink.† He referred to what I used to call the game. He followed the Monkey through the maze, getting to the prize at the end. I snapped back to the task at hand, trying not to remember my past immaturity. I had grown so much since then, but yet in some ways I had grown so little. I still was mildly stubborn, and incredibly ambitious. Replaying the game. Never changing the past. My family today is slightly more fractured than it was years ago, but that’s the toll growing up takes. Even so, they are the most important part of my life. My Sister’s my best friend s, and my parents my heroes. I will always cherish the time we spend together. The game influenced me in many ways. My sister and I will always have the music on our iPod’s, my family will always have the games, and I will most likely play it for years. It served as the glue in our family during the rough times. It remains to be the reminder that we can be together no matter what happens. Whether our character gets hurt, or when my mother is diagnosed with breast cancer. We have and will get through it together.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Television And Violence Essays - Dispute Resolution, Crime, Ethics

Television And Violence Boink! Boom! Crack! The sounds of the fight scene rage on. Many have fallen in this particularly bloody battle. The good guys have taken their losses but struggle on to what is seemingly a victory. Their aggression is fierce and helps them. Fires consume the background; men and women lie on the ground in pain. Even if it weren't for the bombs, missiles, bullets, etc. that are flying around, hand-to-hand combat would have got the better of them. It was a classic battle scene when looking back at it, a true testament of blood, hell, and gore. This may sound like a heroic made-for-TV movie shown only on primetime in the hopes of recruiting a mature audience. But it is not. In fact, it is just another Saturday-morning special of GI Joe, "The Real American Hero," that I watched with my brother and cousins. We were religious followers of the show, tuning in every week to see how Sergeant Slaughter, Duke and the rest of the gang would handle the likes of King Cobra and his cronies. GI Joe's early morning time slot encouraged kids, like us, to tune in every weekend. While eating our CheeriosTM and Frosted FlakesTM we got a dose of some real fightin' action, in excess of fifty violent scenes for the morning: there is more than enough to fill the appetite. The truth is, violence on television is on every single day. It takes its toll on society, especially children. The damage done by violence on television is detrimental and confirmed by statistics, case studies, and personal experiences. Fistfights, shootouts, car crashes, rapes... Take your pick. Violence is everywhere on television, sometimes gory and gruesome, other times clean and remote. It is not just the Saturday morning cartoons; clips from action-adventure series, the nightly news and MTV are interwoven with violence and extremely mature content. Prime-time programs can average eight hostile acts per hour; children's shows four times as much (Bajpai, 1996, ps. 45-52). To television Programmers, violence is depicted as a normal, justified response to conflict and threat. They will encourage identification with the aggressor; domination and submission, to them, are often equated with pleasure and worth. Yet numerous researchers have put much time into discovering why children are so attached by the television and the action that takes place within it. They prove that it is definitely a major source of violent behavior in children. Their research proves time and time again that aggression and television viewing do go hand in hand. The truth about television violence and children has been shown. Many people and critics try to ignore it and hope that it will go away. Others do not even seem to care and try to attack these ideas. However, the facts are undeniable and all the results point to one conclusion: Television violence causes children to be violent and the effects can be life-long. The effects of the television are first visible even at the most basic level of life, children and adolescents. The modern-day extent of viewing by humans, especially Americans, is astronomical. Children begin to watch television at very early ages, often when they are newborns. At this time they are obviously not able to follow along or be influenced by it, but they are subjected to it nevertheless. This early start will lead most childhood viewers into a cult-like trance by the time they reach the age of three. In between breakfast and lunch, playtime and naptime, class and dinner, all children find a way to watch the tube. The typical American household has the television set on for more than seven hours each day and children ages two to eleven spend an average of twenty-eight hours per week viewing (Murray, 1996, p. 1). Some research has also estimated that by the time a child or teen of today's generation reaches the age of seventy, he will have spent nearly seven years of his life watching television. That is nearly ten percent of one's life lives watching television. That is insane; to say that you and I will spend years upon years, watching television. There is so much that people, even we, could do in a seven-year period. Entire wars can be fought in seven years, college educations can be attained, millions of people will be born and millions will die, many things can happen that have more significance than seven years of television. That is a very large percentage of time to be doing solely one thing, and the fact that that one

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Suffering and joy Review Essay Example

Suffering and joy Review Paper Essay on Suffering and joy It happened to me in 14 years, when I first picked up Suffering and joy. From reading the first pages of this book, my spirit left me for a while. Now I, along with Michelangelo, the morning wakes his whistle Granacci. We are together, I and Michelangelo, dawn to go to Ghirlandaio, to learn to paint. Sometimes, when imagination lets me fly, I see myself, sitting alone on a wooden cold floor in the classroom. Around me spread jars with watercolor and gouache, paintbrushes in a cup, the water in the glass carafe Through the door came the cries, running, happy childrens laughter. After a few days of the New Year bedraggled gouache fingers, stick naughty sheet of paper on which I want to portray the frozen moment, the end of the old and the new year. But, having opened the book, I like using Time Machine am in a different place in the Garden of San Marco Lorenzo the Magnificent, holding three fingers ember, we Michelangelo paint fragments of legs, arms, persons from different angles and positions Bertoldo grumbling goes from one student to another, he teaches. Clay, white, gray yellow, extracted with great difficulty. We take it in hand and sculpt model We will write a custom essay sample on Suffering and joy Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Suffering and joy Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Suffering and joy Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At the moment I return now Oh! Again clay! In order to make it fit for work, it takes a long time to stir the fingers hurt Very cold hands, fingers are white and do not listen to such nonsense but its we do today zverushek model. I had already come up with someone I do. Your cat Masha But here I am at home, opening the Suffering and Joy again plunge into reading. Irving Stone wrote a book about the great painter and sculptor of the Renaissance Michelangelo Buonarroti. The author creates not only a fascinating portrait of a great artist and sculptor, but also perfectly describes the beneficial time of the Renaissance, so generous to strong, richly gifted person. The nature of Michelangelo will give greater representation of string from his diary Nothing causes excruciating pain as enforced idleness I like taken roslel with Michelangelo, with me doing Politsiono, Pico della Mirandola, Ficino, I met with the greatest architects of that era: Botticelli, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Vasari, Bramante Together we dreamed with him about the giant accomplishments of monumental projects dreamed carve hundreds of thousands of sculptures, painting pictures. Together with the great artists, I experienced all the storms of life, throes of creation. We were both tortured by doubts and anxieties, we shared with each other the suffering endured pain, pleasure and ecstasy from work received also together. I felt in my hands the hammer weight, with the help of the cutter removed from the snow-white marble blocks of the biblical David David who defeated Goliath. And how full of historical events was the life of the artist, as he survived wars, political, religious, and other kind of shock, together with his beloved Italy. Michelangelo lived nearly ninety years, of which more than seventy years given to sculpture, painting, architecture. He did, in spite of the obstacles, sometimes against their own convictions, but he could not work. He only regretted that he has only two hands, in the day in just 24 hours. Four years later he painted the Sistine Chapel, about seventeen years of his life spent on the Last Judgment » The rights there was Degas, when he said that talent is doing whatever he wants, and genius only that can . Well, Michelangelo did what he could and could he himself on this occasion wrote the following verses:! and the highest genius not add a single thought to the fact that the marble itself Tait in abundance and only this to us Hand obedient to reason, will reveal at the end of I want to say that it was not a true translation of the title Suffering and joy does not give such an emotionally of the charge as the authors name Agony and ecstasy » (other books about Michelangelo, of which I know. The Diary of Michelangelo Furious Rolondo Kristofelli, Michelangelo DM Merezhkovsky, Michelangelo P . Rolland)

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Euro

It?s coming! It?s Coming! And now its here the Euro Prior to 1999 the EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain) all had their own currencies. That all changed on January 1, 1999 the euro became the official currency; however the transition was not an easy one. The introduction of the euro, Europe?s single currency has been in the planning and preparation stage for over ten years. One of the reasons for such the long wait was the skepticism of the mere idea of a single currency that the euro brought about globally. The idea came about in the early 1970?s but was tabled due to a rise in oil prices. Again in the early 1980?s the idea surfaced again and was agreed upon in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty. After the agreement there were certain criteria that each country had to adopt, such as a controlled rate of inflation and the debt/GDP ratio. These things had to be accomplished in order be apart of the euro and have a smooth transition to the new currency. From a global aspect there were many doubts about the change in currency. The way businesses conduct themselves, the way people travel and the way corporations and companies invest their money will all be effected. However the bigger question is how it will affect the US, especially in relation to trade. Due to the interdependence of American businesses there already exist a positive relationship between America and Europe, which has helped in the transition. When it comes to trade, cost have been significantly reduced based on an end to currency conversion and the fees that exist from cross-boarder trade. This leads to the ability for large businesses to save money and increase their profits. There is also a benefit for small business based on the opportunity for international trade. In addition there will be a birth of price transparency which will lead to increased competition. Thus consume... Free Essays on The Euro Free Essays on The Euro It?s coming! It?s Coming! And now its here the Euro Prior to 1999 the EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain) all had their own currencies. That all changed on January 1, 1999 the euro became the official currency; however the transition was not an easy one. The introduction of the euro, Europe?s single currency has been in the planning and preparation stage for over ten years. One of the reasons for such the long wait was the skepticism of the mere idea of a single currency that the euro brought about globally. The idea came about in the early 1970?s but was tabled due to a rise in oil prices. Again in the early 1980?s the idea surfaced again and was agreed upon in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty. After the agreement there were certain criteria that each country had to adopt, such as a controlled rate of inflation and the debt/GDP ratio. These things had to be accomplished in order be apart of the euro and have a smooth transition to the new currency. From a global aspect there were many doubts about the change in currency. The way businesses conduct themselves, the way people travel and the way corporations and companies invest their money will all be effected. However the bigger question is how it will affect the US, especially in relation to trade. Due to the interdependence of American businesses there already exist a positive relationship between America and Europe, which has helped in the transition. When it comes to trade, cost have been significantly reduced based on an end to currency conversion and the fees that exist from cross-boarder trade. This leads to the ability for large businesses to save money and increase their profits. There is also a benefit for small business based on the opportunity for international trade. In addition there will be a birth of price transparency which will lead to increased competition. Thus consume... Free Essays on The Euro Invirtiendo en la bolsa de los valores  ¿Quà © es la bolsa de los valores? La mayorà ­a de la gente tiemblan de miedo a la idea de invertir sus ahorros en la bolsa de valores. Estas personas creen que la bolsa es un tema demasiado complicado para ellos. Estn equivocados. La bolsa de inversiones es simplemente una red organizada para el intercambio de propiedad de las compaà ±Ãƒ ­as pà ºblicas. Todo comienza con una empresa que quiere conseguir fondos para su negocio. Esta corporacià ³n emite acciones lo que representa propiedad verdadera en su negocio. Con el propà ³sito de obtener la mayor cantidad de capital, la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a ofrece sus acciones para vender và ­a un ministerio de comercio que tiene exposicià ³n a una poblacià ³n grande de inversionistas. Entonces, à ©ste ministerio de comercio facilita los cambios de las acciones entre los compradores y vendedores dispuestos. Conceptos importantes Se tiene que dominar algunos conceptos bsicos para comprender como funciona la bolsa y como invertir en ella. Dueà ±o Verdadero. La idea ms importante es que cuando Ud. invierte en una compaà ±Ãƒ ­a Ud. es, en hecho, un dueà ±o parcial de la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Esto significa que comparte los à ©xitos y fracasos financieros de la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Cuando la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a dà © un paso malo, el valor de su inversià ³n desciende. Cuando se realice una accià ³n positiva, el valor de su inversià ³n aumenta. Riesgo. La prà ³xima idea para captar es que todas las inversiones tienen un elemento de riesgo. Esta realidad deriva del hecho que nada es cierto en los negocios, y su inversià ³n no representa nada ms que participacià ³n en un negocio. La tolerancia de riesgo por parte de un inversionista esta premiada con el potencial de ganancias grandes. Generalmente, a mayor riesgo que acompaà ±a a una inversià ³n, a mayor rendimiento potencial ofrece la inversià ³n. Este rà ©dito es bien merecido porque pone su dinero en mucho peligro por invertir en los valores que no son ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Acquiring Effective Writing Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Acquiring Effective Writing Skills - Essay Example Structuring thoughts in a logical manner was another serious obstacle for me. Despite the fact that my first essays seemed bright and saturated with ideas, the form itself was messy, and it was impossible to capture the logic of the narration. However, with the help of this class, I have learned to stick to the traditional model of essay composition and realized that structure is like a skeleton of the text so it needs to be exceptionally strong. Among the valuable things I have understood during the whole course was that self-organization does matter. Creating texts is the process which is impossible to predict. Sometimes it takes hours to find relevant sources, sometimes bright arguments appear out of nowhere. Procrastination and inability to focus on the thesis of text makes it â€Å"empty† and turns the whole process of writing into a burden. In order to keep the track of the thought, I have learned to reread constantly what was written and fix it in the process, not after finalization. I realized how important editing is because it often seems that the essay is immaculate but reading it two or three times allows seeing it from another perspective. I have understood that I imagined writing in a completely different way before as for me it was a process totally dependent on inspiration. If the Muse has visited you - there is a chance of writing a brilliant text. It turned out that only in the process of analysis of arguments, structuring, and correcting your own thoughts it is possible to get any inspiration.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

My Personal Philosophy of Aging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

My Personal Philosophy of Aging - Essay Example Never in my life had I imagined that old age could be interesting and fan. The video clip however, proved that this was possible and that there are old people out there who are really enjoying being old. These people can dance, keep healthy and fit, party and widely socialize with one another. It is through this moment that, I completely shunned my previous view of old age as being boring, frustrating, sickly and of it being only a step away from death. Seeing this video has made me realize that, aging is unique to every person and it only depends on how one wants it to impact on his or her life. I have learnt that, I am the one to determine the kind of life to have as an older person. This has also taught me to treat each elderly person individually, identify their needs and respond to those needs separately without generalization. This will also be an effective way of ensuring that the treatment and care I give during practice is in line with the assessment done on an individual and specific problem and needs identified (Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses, 1997). I have also realized that being old is just a continuation of a person’s life and that it should not stop one from living his or her life as before. Health is of value even during this age and maintaining it in terms of exercise, diet and positively enjoying oneself should be a priority for all (Wilmoth & Ferraro, 2004). Other than this, the old equally want to be loved, taken care of, have company and be respected just like everyone else. Caring for the older people during my practice should therefore ensure that my patients not only feel, respected, loved and cared for as brought about by Grinspun, et al. (2001-2002), but that they also feel like their transition into old age is normal and that it can be exciting as well. My role in taking care of them will include teaching them how to enjoy their life. The defining moment during this course has taught me

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Different Worlds in Family and Outside Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Different Worlds in Family and Outside - Essay Example I spent 11 years of my childhood in Iran and life offered me both its good and bad sides. I was a well-behaved child but at times I was a problem for many people including my teachers and fellow students in school. My parents from time to time taught me good habits especially respect for people regardless of ethnicity or race. They taught me the values of working hard and reaping where I sow and dedication to everything I set myself to do. Throughout my life, I have had many friends basically because of my good public relations skills. I have since left Iran and currently living in the United States where life seems quite different and to be successful one need to be more serious and focused. Technology, infrastructure, health services, and many other areas are more superior to those back in Iran. I was however not that badly off in respect to technology together with my brother and this has helped me to cope well with the new life. My brother and I have had numerous conflicts with o ur parents based on the decisions they make or we make concerning our lives. They are obviously from a different generation that does not understand the world has changed to a more liberal society. All the same, disrespect to one’s parents is a taboo as dictated by our culture... I have no reason to hold on to my cultural orientations in this new land as other immigrants seem to have fully integrated with the American way of life. I have a goal of ensuring that my life in the United States will translate to a good life for the rest of my family members wherever they are. Am thankful to my family for raising me to be the person I am today. They taught me how to speak, walk and above all, how to be a good human being. I learned how to cooperate with others while doing family duties and this made family life quite exciting. I also learned how to love and dedicate myself to family matters, communicate well and respect all especially older people. Our society does not allow women to contribute towards family bills as a sign of respect to them. I was taught to help those how are in need. I am also thankful to my American high school classmates who helped me to learn English since it was a new and difficult language for me. They made it interesting to learn about ne w culture and behaviors.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Features of Exploitation Strategy

Features of Exploitation Strategy 1.1 Exploitation Strategy Exploitation analysis and activities go on for the entire life of the project, taking advantage of every progress-step and achievement. The exploitation approach of the project has been structured in a recurrent cycle in which every step enables refining to define a list of activities implementing exploitation. The sequence consists of the following items: Identification of exploitable results Every identified project outcome is rated to check its eligibility for exploitation: resulting items are listed and classified by means of typology (product, process, method, data etc.) to understand the ways in which they can be shared, delivered and accessed. For each result, the level of protection is defined, although it can be specialized during next steps of analysis, to allow IPR to be different for the various involved stakeholders. Results are also given a priority that represents their importance among the exploitation activities. Identification of stakeholders Exploitable results are associated with the groups of stakeholders identified by the project (education, technical developers, industries, public communities, authorities, policy makers, etc.). The match between the results and groups of stakeholders identifies different sets of results: this step of the exploitation definition process considers the opportunity to group them in subsets to handle them together or because of their dependencies. Therefore, exploitation deals with these collections of bundles with common features: specific purpose: the common aim of the result set type of business: the area of activity of the stakeholders that can be addressed required resources: elements needed to make the bundle sustainable Association with actions This is the conclusion of each cycle of the process. The purpose is to establish the concrete activities that implement exploitation. The actions are defined in relation to the results of the previous steps concerning stakeholders and bundles: each exploitable result is associated with one or more bundles related to a set or a single stakeholder group. The actions are grouped in a set of focuses that depict specific areas of activities: technology development, knowledge building, educational training, standards development, services development, IPR protection, policy making etc. As in the preceding steps, the definition of these actions can be refined and updated during the life of the project. 1.2 Exploitable Results To identify the exploitable results of each partner and the current state of these results a table was constructed with these results, the state of this results and the possible audience.ÂÂ   The results are presented in Table 2.1 collects the exploitable results identified by the partners at this stage of the project (Month 12). The description of each result is based on partners contribution and should be considered from a preliminary perspective to draft the initial version of the Exploitation Report. Next versions of this report will include further description of each result if required. Table 1: Exploitable results of COMPINNOVA and their state up to month 12 A/A Exploitable Result Description Classification Involved Partners Stakeholders Actions M6-M12 1 Bulk catalyst development Process and product SUN Scientific community, powder material industries, investors Experiments, evidence of proper bulk pellet catalyst development 2 Thin film catalyst development Process and product NTUA Scientific community, powder material industries, investors Experiments, evidence of proper thin film catalyst development 3 Use of the Lorentz force activation for redox process Process and method NTUA Scientific community, powder material industries, investors Experiments, first evidence of activation of surfaces and redox process 4 Integrated bench plant for hydrogen production Process and system NTUA Scientific community, energy producers and users, industries, Governments, investors Initial evidence of hydrogen production, initial market analysis, initial contacts with Public Power Corporation (Greece) 5 Integrated bench plant for hydrocarbon production Process and system SUN Scientific community, energy producers and users, industries, Governments, investors Experiments, initial contacts with ENEA (Italy) 6 Multiscale modeling and explanation of the process of hydrogen production Simulation and modeling IPSAS Scientific community Qualitative analysis of the electro-magneto-chemical process 7 Powder manufacturing as precursor for catalyst manufacturing Process and product NTUA Scientific community, powder material industries, investors Experiments, publication of the method for powder production (see 2nd dissemination report) 1.3 Exploitation Management EXIS acts as Exploitation Manager heading the Exploitation Committee (EC) with representatives from NTUA, SUN, CRANFIELD, FU SAV. The Exploitation Committee supervises the management of IPR and coordinates the definition of the exploitation plan. Specifically, the HELENIC-REF EC shall: Coordinate and implement exploitation activities; Propose IPR and exploitation strategies and (eventual) associated updates to the Consortium Agreement (CA); Contribute to proper exploitation of the results by supporting all Partners Monitor the use of resources for exploitation issues. The Exploitation Activities are in close relation with Dissemination Activities (as they are -or will be- presented in Deliverables D4.14-D4.18) in order to achieve a sustained impact. The approach of HELENIC-REF for achieving a sustained impact is presented in the following Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2: HELENIC-REF approach for sustained impact 1.4 IPR Management The management of IPR is strictly ruled by the Consortium Agreement (CA) which includes all provisions related to the management of IPR including ownership, protection and publication of knowledge, access rights to knowledge and pre-existing know-how as well as questions of confidentiality, liability and dispute settlement. In the CA, the Partners have identified the background knowledge included and excluded. The CA regulates the ownership of results (Section 8 of the CA) The knowledge acquired during the project shall be considered as a property of the contractor generating it, and in this sense the originator is entitled to use and to license such right without any financial compensation to the other contributors. If the features of a joint invention are such that it is not possible to separate them, the contributors could agree that they may jointly apply to obtain and/or maintain the relevant rights and shall make effort to reach appropriate agreements to do so. The CA also regulates the transfer of results ownership (Section 8.2 of the CA) Each Signatory Party may transfer ownership of its own Foreground following the procedures of the Grant Agreement Article 30. Each Signatory Party may identify specific third parties it intends to transfer the ownership of its Foreground to in Attachment (3) to the CA. The other Signatory Parties hereby waive their right to prior notice and their right to object a transfer to listed third parties per the Grant Agreement Article 30.1 The transferring Party shall, however, at the time of the transfer, inform the other Parties of such transfer and shall ensure that the rights of the other Parties will not be affected by such transfer. Any addition after the signature of the CA requires a decision of the Project Steering Committee (PSC). Status of IPR (M12) As the project reaches its first year, the results from the ongoing research about proving the ability of Hydrogen production and the reduction of water with Lorentz forces are promising. The results once fully verified, can subject to publications or even patents. The project may deliver additional results by the end of the project that the partnership may wish to exploit. In this case the Consortium (headed by the Exploitation Manager) will discuss use of such results on a case-by-case basis. For the management of knowledge, the consortium and the Exploitation Manager are regularly monitor and evaluate possibilities of IPR. The consortium has already defined future activities to discuss and evaluate raising questions. According to the initial plan, at the next general meetings these discussions will take place. At all upcoming meetings as session will be devoted to IPR and exploitation issues to further specify the plans of the consortium. Any third parties that may involve in exploitation will sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Truth and Art: Keatss Ode on a Grecian Urn :: Ode on a Grecian Urn Essays

Keats's "Ode on a Grecian Urn" offers a paradoxical concept of Beauty. It describes the frozen beauty portrayed on the Urn as sweeter than reality, for its expiration is a locked impossibility. The lover's kiss is sweeter when in waiting, and her timeless beauty and devotion are worth the kiss's impossibility. Thus, the observation of beauty is more sweet than its reception, and objects in their prime are best just before their expiration. This poem is reminiscent of Shakespeare's sonnets in its zeal for permanent youth and disdain for time's drain on youth's beauty. Yet, after all the desires for the Urn's timeless youth and beauty (an impossibility in reality), the poet ends with, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty-that is all / Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." Keats objectifies and works to define beauty through his description of the Urn, or art in general. If the beauty found in the urn is an impossibility in reality, how can it be undeniable truth? "La Belle Dame sans Me rci" further complicates this question. Here, beauty is false trickery. The knight is pulled in by a mythical creature whose beauty and pleasing actions draw him into her lair, where she leads him to tragic ending on the cold hill's side. It can be deduced from this poem that Beauty is deceiving, and, consequently, not Truth. So what are we left with? "Ode on a Grecian Urn" implies that art represents Beauty. But this Beauty is impossible in the realm of reality; it can only be in the unmoving atmosphere of an Urn's surface. After four and a half stanzas supplying evidence of the scene's impossibility, the finishing lines inextricably link Beauty to Truth. The only way the art on the Urn can be viewed as having a place in reality, is the Urn's physical timelessness: "When old age shall this generation waste, / Thou shalt remain.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Birthday Party

A birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, relatives. My 17th birthday party last year was a really memorable occasion. I celebrated it at home in the evening. All my friends came and we had a lot of fun. Preparations began a day before the celebration. My mother and I cleaned the house. Many delicious dishes were cooked, the rooms were decorated with balloons and steamers. In the morning of birthday party day my father went shopping and bought everything we needed.All the invitations were sent one week before the celebration. In the morning on my birthday my parents put the presents near my bed. So, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was my presents. My mom and daddy and my little brother came to my room to congratulate me and to sing ? «Happy Birthday? ». By the evening food was cooked, the table was laid. We put on evening suits and dresses and waited for the guests. The flat looke d nice and cosy. I was very glad to meet my guests. I got a lot of flowers, presents and Birthday cards.We had an abundant dinner on this day. My mother bought in the birthday cake and I blew the candles out. We danced and sang songs, played games and laughed, Joked, told funny stories, listened to the music. I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year. The entire evening was a huge success and everyone agreed that we had a lot of fun. It certainly was the best party I have ever had, because of the great pleasure it gave me to see so many of my friends and relatives together in the same place. I think I shall remember my party for a long time to come.A birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, relatives. My 17th birthday party last year was a really memorable occasion. I celebrated it at home in the evening. All my friends came and we had a lot of fun. Preparations began a day befor e the celebration. My mother and I cleaned the house. Many delicious dishes were cooked, the rooms were decorated with balloons and steamers. In the morning of birthday party day my father went shopping and bought everything we needed.All the invitations were sent one week before the celebration. In the morning on my birthday my parents put the presents near my bed. So, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was my presents. My mom and daddy and my little brother came to my room to congratulate me and to sing ? «Happy Birthday? ». By the evening food was cooked, the table was laid. We put on evening suits and dresses and waited for the guests. The flat looked nice and cosy. I was very glad to meet my guests. I got a lot of flowers, presents and Birthday cards. We had an abundant dinner on this day.My mother bought in the birthday cake and I blew the candles out. We danced and sang songs, played games and laughed, Joked, told funny stories, listened to the music. I think tha t my birthday is one of the best days in a year. The entire evening was a huge success and everyone agreed that we had a lot of fun. It certainly was the best party I have ever had, because of the great pleasure it gave me to see so many of my friends and relatives together in the same place. I think I shall remember my party for a long time to come. Birthday Party By marusks05

Friday, November 8, 2019

The art of analyzing situations

The art of analyzing situations The art of analyzing situations The art of analyzing situations from a feminist perspective provides a better platform for understanding the logic of orientalism existing in the United States setting. This specifically relies upon the concept of hypermasculinity, which defines orientalism as the art of creating distinct barriers based on religious fundamentals and unexplained fears characterized by western identity. Marxist and transnational feminist theorists have ruthlessly subjected the concept of orientalism to analysis with an aim of exposing the hidden religious connection. In essence, the US has crafted a self perception of insecurity by exploiting the elements gender, race, and power relations as a background for justifying war. Moreover, the protection of the modern day civilization this has led to the coding of Islamists acts as terrorism through the use of instruments like power and knowledge; consequently affecting populations negatively. Narayan talks of the subjection of women to death due to this monolithic mentality and culture. Hence, through infantilization women have been exposed to incidents of rape, abduction, and humiliation as evident in Afghanistan and Iraq. This brings out the irony in the justification of war by abusing the concept of freedom. Finally, there is need to hold state governments accountable for their actions.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Strategies for Motivating English Foreign Language Learners

Strategies for Motivating English Foreign Language Learners Motivational models for English Foreign Language (EFL) improve student motivation. Research has shown that motivation provides the basic impulsion to begin foreign language learning and subsequently the stimulus to keep up the often mind-numbing learning processes. Sound hypothetical consideration supports contemporary motivational strategies. However, no empirical evidence backs up the strategies causing the need for further research.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Strategies for Motivating English Foreign Language Learners specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Research has revealed the significance of the learning environment in shaping the motivational aspects of learners. The systematic motivation strategy by Dornyei provides a parsimonious system of four dimensions. The first dimension is creating basic motivational conditions. This involves establishing a positive teacher-student relationship, supportive classroom condition, and creating a cohesive learn group. The next dimension is generating initial motivation. The strategy provides that teachers have a role to use appropriate strategies to enhance the learners’ anticipation for success and adopt a positive mindset regarding the language. The other technique is maintaining and protecting motivation through simulations and engaging in enjoyable tasks. This technique aims at promoting learner autonomy and positive culture. The teacher should also encourage students to undertake positive retrospective self-evaluation. The Macro-strategy is effective for teaching English Foreign Learners because it has the four dimensions. It gives priority to appropriate teacher behavior. Both the Taiwan and Hungarian survey provide that presenting a personal role model is an extremely influential device for motivating students. Teachers need to understand their responsibility as leaders in all learner teams. The research confirms the signifi cance of the teachers’ projection of enthusiasm in the subject matter to have a strong influence on the motivational disposition of the learners. Another provision of the macro-strategy is the essentiality of recognizing the efforts of learners and celebrating any of their success. The strategy provides that successful EFL teachers recognize the efforts of their students. This concept concurs with the Confucian ideology that recognition of efforts is an effective motivational tool. Educational psychology researchers have accepted macro-strategy because it provides mechanisms for promoting self-confidence of learners. The manner in which learners perceive their ability determines the efforts they will be willing to devote to accomplish a task. Notably, self-confidence leads to self-efficacy.Advertising Looking for critical writing on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another outstanding requirement of the macro-strategy is that teachers must create a pleasant and relaxed learning environment. Learning a second language is certainly one of the most difficult experiences students come across during their erudition. A tense classroom is a powerful negative element that hinders students from achieving their objectives. The strategy reinforces it is the responsibility of the teacher to create a safe learning environment, where participants shy away from social comparison but promote risk-taking. Next, the strategy advocates for presenting tasks properly. The mode of presentation of information apparently bears a strong impact on how the students learn. It is imperative that teachers put in mind why learners should do particular exercises and watchfully put across what the lesson intends the students to learn. Instructional clarify is, therefore, an indispensable motivational medium. The strategy also requires teachers to increase the goal-orientation of learners. English Foreign Learn ers researchers have adopted a more education-specific notion of objectives, illustrating their influential ability on student motivation in classroom settings. The macro-strategy encourages teachers to promote the creation of personal objectives. It suggests that a lack of recognition of the scope of goal setting affects negatively the performance of learners. Besides, the strategy provides that teachers should make the learning tasks stimulating. It recognizes that students are always eager to invest substantial resources in activities that arouse their curiosity. Teachers who do not regard interesting learning tasks imperative motivational aspects risk underperforming. Another provision of the strategy that teachers should use to improve their performance is familiarizing learners with the L2 culture and related values. There is pragmatic evidence that the disposition of English First Learners towards the target culture has significant impact on their achievement. Raising this gr oup of learner’s cross-cultural awareness enables them to appreciate the need to excel in the language, irrespective of any prevailing de-motivating circumstances. Additionally, promoting group cohesiveness and setting group rules also enhances English learning. This provision confirms earlier findings that group behavior determines the development of beliefs and actions of its members. However, experts, including Dornyei and Murphey, have presented a contradicting opinion regarding this provision. They have argued that researchers have not accorded the group-building issues due significance. The provision needs not to gain recognition a major motivation enhancing technique, as research is underway.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Strategies for Motivating English Foreign Language Learners specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The macro-strategy advocates for learner autonomy. It has heightened that an autonomy-supporting environment influences an increase in intrinsic motivation. The language teachers’ communicative style determines the autonomy of learners. When learners govern their own learning process, they become innovative. Conclusively, most motivational models are transferable across various cultural settings. Promoting learners’ confidence, creating an interesting learning environment, displaying motivational teacher behavior, and presenting tasks properly are components of this strategy that are acceptable universally. Outstanding motivational techniques provide many common outcomes. However, some cultural settings portray promoting learner autonomy, which is an effective motivational technique, as extraneous.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Week9dq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Week9dq - Essay Example ogramme, concludes by stating that â€Å"as researchers we must examine the effects of our lives and thoughts on the knowledge that we seek to capture and use† (p 185). This seems to me to be a statement which is both valid and important. In 2007 Buchanan and Bryman pointed to the way organizational research is changing with new trends emerging. They argue modern research methods tend towards both diversity and creativity in their techniques and approaches. However the choices made are also dependent upon the various â€Å"organizational, historical, political, ethical, evidential and personal factors† (p.483).All of such factors are relevant to the research being planned within an contemplated within the organization context in which it is carried out. For ‘insiders’ (Brannick and Coghlan, 2007), working at management level, some things such as obtaining permission to carry out research with in the organization and other factors such as having primary access and gatekeeper issues, are much less problematic than it would perhaps be for external researchers. Despite this there could be disadvantages due to â€Å"partisan conclusion† Johnson and Duberley 2003), and is a factor to be aware of, and epistemic reflexivity is necessary to that process. Buchanan and Bryman (2007), argue that :- The authors show how in such cases the final ultimate decision about research may have to encroach on the type of evidence required to make an impact upon practice. Despite this they emphasise reflection when choices of research methods are made Within the Week 9 reading several reflexivity models are presented. There are however differences between theories held by positivists and those who hold to post-modern theory. The first assumes objectivity, a sense of neutrality and detachment and on the part of the researcher so that who the researchers are makes no difference who is doing the research into this reality. There is however a newer theory which argues

Friday, November 1, 2019

Relationship Between Accounting, Accountability and Organizational Essay

Relationship Between Accounting, Accountability and Organizational Control - Essay Example The researcher states that accounting is more than bookkeeping, and is concerned about how these records are put, the analysis of the records and also interpretation. An accountant is concerned with the relationship between the financial results and the events that have led to them. They do study various alternatives that are available to the business and use their knowledge acquired in the accounting field to help managers select the best action plan. Shareholders and management need knowledge in this field so that they get to understand what accountants tell them. Investors also need this knowledge so that they can read and understand the financial statement issued by the business. Since it is a business language all the stakeholders of a business will want to know whether the organization is making a profit or not. It will also help show if the business will meet its commitment as they fall due and not run into bankruptcy. These are only answered by use of accounting information o f the company which can be derived by the equation given by, Total Assets= Total Liabilities + Capital Accountability means taking the responsibility or obligation by an individual or an organization. It has to be done in a transparent manner. The responsibility can take the form of money or properties. In relation to accounting, it takes the form of integrity. That is to say that, the accountant has to be able to take responsibility on any issue regarding the transaction of the firm. Organizations do undertake so many activities on a daily basis. Such activities include the purchase of raw materials for the daily operation of the firm, receiving of payments from the customers, banking of the cash received on a daily basis. All these activities involve transactions and hence there is the responsibility for each and every activity. Each is assigned some duty to be undertaken. The three are related to the following perspectives: a) Performances, there is a high degree required while u ndertaking the three issues. This is because in accounting, an individual performance in meeting different objectives of stakeholders of the firm; accountability takes the form of responsibility and obligation of an individual. The responsibility can be in the form of money or properties. Organizational control is important to the general functioning of an enterprise. It entails planning of what is desired; setting good standards, monitoring the performance of the firm; measuring performance - comparing actual output with that which is expected; and taking accurate measures to correct discrepancies. b) Integrity, The three are pegged on integrity. For example, in accounting, the financial information of the company is prepared on the rules and guidelines of accounting worldwide; accountability, on the other hand, gives obligations to an individual. Organizational control gives an illustration of the level of monitoring and feedback, which is achieved by implementing internal control s. It follows a control loop of assessing systems and procedures, establishing appropriate controls, evaluating outputs and adjusting where necessary. The working definition of the concept of accountability and its relationship to accounting Since accountability refers to a capability of being held responsible for something or being held to account, scrutinized and being required to give an account.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Taxation - Essay Example Your sources should be fully referenced. (i) Compliance with tax laws: it is the sole duty of tax practitioner to make sure that the clients of the accounting firm comply with all the tax laws as they affect their income, benefits, savings, investments etc. This will prevent a situation whereby tax laws are intentionally or unintentionally broken by people. In the preparation of payroll in accounting process, it is important that tax matters must be ironed out to ensure compliance with tax laws (Gowthorpe and Blake, 1998) (ii) Tax evasion as a crime: The tax practitioner makes sure that people understand that tax evasion is a serious crime that is punishable by prison terms. Ordinary people do not understand this fact, hence it is the responsibility of the tax practitioner to sound the warning in the hearing of the people (Gowthorpe and Blake, 1998). Most importantly, the agents and advisers are easily accessible to the businesses and individuals that want to settle their tax issues. They give tax advice and provide the following tax resources (forms, manuals and tax resources): (1) PAYE forms for employers; (2) Self Assessment Vat form; (3) Corporation Tax form; (4) Tax Credits Manuals; (5) Capital Gains tax form; (6) Tax and Trusts forms etc (HMRC, 2010). Question 3: There are various ways in which the Chancellor can regulate the spending power of individuals in his annual budget. Explain these measures and evaluate the impact on the net income after tax, of an individual aged under 65 with total income comprising earned income of  £ 40,000, by comparing 2008/9 tax rates and allowances with those of 2009/10. (a) Reducing Taxes: when taxes (income, corporation, property etc) are reduced, this will encourage people to spend more. This entails that the tax rates are made lower comparable to that of the preceding or succeeding fiscal year (Weir & Beetham, 1999). (b) Increase Taxes: On the other hand, the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Extended commentary of The Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy Essay Example for Free

Extended commentary of The Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy Essay On the Title: Hardy uses two interesting words: ‘convergence’ and ‘twain’. A convergence is a meeting of two paths, or entities – in this case, a collision! ‘Twain’ is an archaic word for ‘two’, i.e.; both the ‘Titanic’ and the iceberg. Such a title immediately positions the reader to the direction in which the poem will go. Hardy is not, as many elegiac poems of the day were, preparing to mourn the loss of the ship and the lives upon it but rather proceeding to examine the philosophical nature of the collision; perhaps it was fated? The other current use of â€Å"twain† was in the pseudonym â€Å"Mark Twain,† made famous by the publication – initially in England – of â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† in 1886. Clems adopted the nom de plume to suggest â€Å"uncomfortable waters† or â€Å"tight navigation,† since two fathoms (â€Å"twain,† the sounding of a Mississippi deck-hand measuring the depth beneath the keel) would be dangerous for a steamboat. Background Information: The ocean liner ‘RMS Titanic’ famously sank, at two o’clock in the morning, upon the 15th April 1912. The disaster claimed 1,502 lives. Hardy was asked to write a poem to be read at a charity concert to raise funds in aid of the tragedy disaster fund. It was first published as part of the souvenir program for that event. Overall Structure: Hardy writes eleven regular triplet stanzas, with an AAA rhyme scheme throughout. The use of triplets allows for a more thorough exploration of ideas in each stanza; unified by the use of the rhyme scheme. Perhaps he also does this to create the effect of inevitability, for the rhymed words form their own paths coincident that lead to a preset conclusion – the reader knows, that is, with which sound each stanza will end after he or she has only read the first line of that stanza. However, that knowledge only appears are having read the first few stanzas or so, echoing the idea that knowledge of those coincident paths of which the poem speaks is not always immediately discernible. Themes: The Vanity of Man, The Relationship between Man and Nature, Fate, Classical Entities. Difficult Language Notes: â€Å"The Immanent Will† – a force of fate. â€Å"Salamandrine† – associated with the salamander (a mythical creature) The poem runs in straight sets but I wish to divide in two for ease of analysis. ‘Part I’ exists from Stanzas I to VI, whilst ‘Part II’ takes the form of Stanzas VII to XII. Part I Notes: First Stanza Notes: Hardy introduces his poem in medias res – the ship has been sunk and lies silently at the bottom of the ocean. He creates a calm effect over his poem through the consonance of the ‘s’ sounds: â€Å"In a solitude of the sea Deep from human vanity, And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she.† Particular elements of diction are worthy of note: * â€Å"Deep from human vanity† – this line points to the emerging theme of man’s failed vanity, in creating such a grand object to rule over the natural world, only to have Nature smite it. The phrase â€Å"Pride of Life† accentuates this principle. Note how Hardy uses capital letters to make otherwise simple abstract nouns definitive. Although this is pre-emptive, I will now examine the theme of vaingloriousness (and point out notable pieces of evidence throughout the remainder of the poem) which Hardy presents. He uses irony to evoke the ridiculousness of mans plans. In stanzas I through to V, he juxtaposes images of the ships opulence, such as its mirrors meant / To glass the opulent and the ship’s gilded gear with images of the cold currents, â€Å"sea-worms† and moon-eyed fishes that now flow, crawl and swim through those former interiors. This creates a tangible image of the human vanity referred to in this first stanza; what people design for greatness ultimately ends up in a place of abasement. * â€Å"Stilly† is a highly unusual adverb. Hardy uses it to create a sense of ‘peace’. This is furthered by â€Å"solitude† and â€Å"couches†. ‘Couches’ suggests restfulness, or an equanimity. S.L.S considers an image of a ‘death bed’ upon the sea floor. Second Stanza Notes: Hardy focuses upon images of death and change in this stanza: â€Å"Steel chambers, late the pyres Of her salamandrine fires Cold currents third, and turn to tidal rhythmic lyres.† The furnaces of the ship, which contained the salamandrine fires of her engines (a form of LIFE), now have Cold currents thrid (note the a contrast in temperature – and consequently, a contrast in living state) running through them. ‘Thrid’ itself is another reference to the title, as an archaic word for ‘two’. Where there was once heat and life driving the engines of the ship, there is now coldness and death. A further juxtaposition within this second stanza is the use of the word pyre†, as it connotes funerals and death, while the use of salamandrine insinuates a certain tenacity for life (as salamanders were said to live through fires) that could be associated with the ‘Unsinkable Ship’ idea – there was a theory prior to the sinking, now tragically ironic, that the Titanic was unable to sink. Yet, for all of the tragic (or formerly energetic, given the nature of fire) nature of the ship, Hardy once again returns to ideas of peace and harmony. â€Å"Rhythmic tidal lyres† are reminiscent of the classical entities – such as Apollo’s lyre and his place in Arcadia – and consequently calming images. The distinct iambic meter in this phrase aids the calming lilt of the lines. Hardy presents the Titanic’s corpse in a peaceful light, however chilling and panicked her death. Third and Fourth Stanza Notes: I have above described the idea of vanity. I will pick out key phrases from these stanzas which support this idea – their key point is to achieve the above: * â€Å"mirrors meant to glass the opulent† CONTRASTED TO â€Å"grotesque, slimed, dumb, indifferent† sea worms. Note the cruelty and emphasis on â€Å"indifferent†. * â€Å"Jewels in joy designed† CONTRASTED TO â€Å"lie lightless, all their sparkles bleared and black and blind† Note the use of polysyndeton. * â€Å"gilded gear†. Note alliteration. Fifth and Sixth Stanzas: Thus far Hardy has thoroughly examined the idea of vanity and the sunken ship itself. At stanza VI, Hardy changes his focus to the process by which the ship sank, in reference to Hardy’s ‘question’ formulated in stanza V. V â€Å"Dim moon-eyed fishes near Gaze at the gilded gear And query: ‘What does this vaingloriousness down here? VI Well: while was fashioning This creature of cleaving wing, The Immanent Will that stirs and urges everything† It is obvious that Hardy engineers the explanation of the collision as a response to the â€Å"fishes’† question – although one would initially expect the final line of stanza V to be rhetorical. Before diverging upon the analysis of Hardy’s response, note some key elements of this stanza: * â€Å"moon-eyed† (white and dull) contrasts with the shiny, golden nature of the â€Å"gilded†. This accentuates the differences between the metallic (man-made) ship and the natural world. Also note the alliteration used in this line. Question why? * In an final assault on the vanitas vanitatum, observe that Hardy utilises anthropomorphisation to allow even the fish to question Man’s will in creating such ‘vaingloriousness’ – a Natural force (perhaps a personification of Nature itself?) labels the ship a vanity. What consequence does this have? This query, although appearing rhetorical, is answered by Hardy. Denoted by the use of ‘Well’, he switches to a colloquial register – this again adds to the sense of a Volta at stanza VI. Also note the sudden introduction of prominent enjambment at the end of the poem. The sense of stanza VI rolls into the VIIth, in direct opposition to the previous use of ‘poetic closure’ to end all previous stanzas – Hardy normally uses a form of punctuation. Now it’s gone. Apart from being a ‘change’ in its innate self, the enjambment aids in increasing the pace of the poem. This is highly significant. Seeing as, from this point forth, Hardy creates a ‘convergence of the twain’ within the poem itself – i.e.: he brings the two entities together (I will later explore this process in detail) from obscurity to the point of their collision – then increasing the pace at which the two entities move (which is obviously determined by the pace of the poem) must bring them together faster. This adds to the sense of movement, of fast movement and of dramatic effect. Well done, Mr. Hardy. Note some language details: â€Å"Creature of cleaving wing† is a very interesting phrase. â€Å"Cleaving† has multiple meanings, all of which are appropriate to Hardy’s imagery. Primarily, he may be imagining the ship as it ‘cleaves’ through the water, as all good ships should do. Remember, in its day the Titanic was the fastest liner afloat. â€Å"The cleaving wing† may therefore be the iron bow of the boat. Notice how Hardy is utilising additional anthropomorphisation, in referring to the ship as both a â€Å"creature† and one with â€Å"wing[s]†. The iceberg, however, remains inanimate. I doubt that there are any really deliberate poetic techniques to be synthesized from this but perhaps Hardy encourages a larger empathic response from the animate ship than from the inanimate iceberg? However, we must also acknowledge the metallic â€Å"knife-like† associations with ‘cleaving’ – like ‘cleaver’. This has a highly inanimate connotation. [Another weak point, acknowledged.] There also exists an archaic definition in the verb ‘to cleave’ – as in a Biblical usage – meaning ‘to join in matrimony’. This is of enormous interest. Hardy later plays a great deal upon the idea of the twain being marital (and even sexual) mates. Throughout the poem he refers to them with terms connotating a â€Å"confirmed relationship†. We may be â€Å"reading into† the phrase a little too deeply but it is a comment worthy of note. Perhaps Hardy is using the archaic definition of the verb to further advance his marital imagery? He is certainly no stranger to using such odd vocabulary; observe â€Å"The Darkling Thrush†! Finally, I wish to examine ‘The Immanent Will’. â€Å"Immanent† is not an archaic spelling of â€Å"imminent† – do not get confused in terms of these different words! â€Å"The Immanent Will† is somewhat comparable, in terms of a philosophical idea, to the Christian concept of the â€Å"Holy Spirit† or â€Å"Holy Ghost†. It is a spiritual, but existent, entity within every object which determines its fate or actions. Christianity has branches – notably in Catholicism – which believe in a pre-determined plan, of God’s design. In other words, we are all on a plan set out by God. The Holy Spirit helps us to achieve what God wishes; it provides inner strength and resolve. Hardy did not have an easy relationship with religion; born a Christian, he went through multiple tumultuous periods of atheistic belief. That’s probably why he hasn’t gone and just written; â€Å"God, or some deified entity, has allowed and planned for the demise of this here ship. And that’s why the iceberg, which could have been anywhere in a 3,000 mile radius of the vast Atlantic Ocean, just so happened to strike the ship. Deal with it.† So, instead, he has substituted a strictly non-religious term to his idea of Fate. Indeed, he later refers to the Classical ‘Fate’ entities to again replace any otherwise religious terminology. Remember also that Hardy is not aiming to criticise Christianity in a poem intended to raise money for the victims’ families. Thus, clear religious controversy was not a good idea. Stanzas VIII and IX Notes: â€Å"And as the smart ship grew In stature, grace and hue, In shadowy silent distance grew the iceberg too. Alien they seemed to be: No mortal eye could see The intimate welding of the later history,† Again, Hardy invites further comparison through the use of juxtaposition; he now places the two entities in a relative time scale. The use of the word ‘as’ creates this effect, as it brings almost a simile-esque comparative sense to the stanzas. We must focus on the idea of the twain ‘growing’ – as that is the image which Hardy evokes – and the way in which both are joint in the use of the same verb. The obvious mental image is one of a familial relationship; they grow simultaneously but are fatally unaware of each other. Indeed, the distance between them is made explicitly clear and further emphasized by the alliteration used with â€Å"shadowy† and â€Å"silent†. Observe, in the phrase â€Å"In stature, grace and hue†, Hardy returns to the original theme of the ship’s grandeur. He appears, in this occurrence, to be rather more commending (or perhaps simply more mournful) of the ship and its purpose. Stanza IX further dwells upon the notion of fate. Indeed, Hardy utilises some more imagery worthy of note, full of oxymorons. â€Å"The intimate welding of the later history† It takes little to see that this further advances the ideas of both the twain’s ‘marital intimacy’, of the metal-related imagery associated with the ship, but also, in the final few words, the idea of Fate. If one can know, in the present, the details of the future’s past – in other words, the near future – then surely one is saying in an oddly convoluted way that a certain action is destined to soon take place? It’s an oxymoronic (â€Å"later history† is oxymoronic in my book!) way of saying the same as before; the twain are destined to collide. Stanzas X and XI Notes: â€Å"Or sign that they were bent By paths coincident On being anon twin halves of one august event, Till the Spinner of the Years Said ‘Now!’ And each one hears, And consummation comes, and jars two hemispheres. Very little needs to be said about the action in these stanza. The Twain collide, bringing together the long wait in both metaphorical and poetic terms. Hardy’s precise choice of words and imagery is somewhat more interesting, however. For example: * â€Å"Paths coincident† does not point to a coincidence, as one might initially assume, but rather to a â€Å"co-incident† (i.e. â€Å"together†) act. The Twain are, on reflection, on a course which emulates two graphical lines, in the way that they bisect. Does this then also reflect a sense of Fated entity? Graphical lines do not change, thus their ‘collision’ is determined and sealed. * â€Å"Twin halves of one august event† reminds the reader of the action and precise existence of the collision. In the end, the act was a very physical, not philosophical one. Hardy acknowledges this, but attempts to draw out the unified nature of the Twain, in the intrinsic act of their collision. Note that the usual use of â€Å"august† to mean â€Å"awe inspiring or admiration; majestic† is not intended by Hardy here in a positive way. He merely wishes to express wonder at the grand, if tragic, culmination of two great forces. And yes, it is rather melodramatic. * Hardy at lasts then returns to his Fated theme with the phrase â€Å"The Spinner of the Years†. Reminiscent of the Classical Greek Moirai or the Roman Parcae (three old hags who would run, spin and cut the threads of life), Hardy refers to the middle of the three – the Spinner. Spinning a mortal thread has always occupied a position in mythology. Hardy utilises it to draw out a sense of fate. Fate itself conducts the affair, it seems, given that the Twain act upon the word â€Å"Now!† to converge. * Emerson Brown, scholar of medieval literature, pointed out that the poem is 33 lines long, whilst line 33 echoes the 33-year-old Christ’s last words: â€Å"consummatum est.† In any case, when â€Å"consummation comes†, Thomas Hardy sends 1,500 souls to the bottom with an obscene pun. To â€Å"come† has borne a sexual connotation since the 17th century, at least, while consummation traditionally means the fulfilment of the marriage contract by intercourse. The image of the ‘Titanic’ and the iceberg copulating is hard to take seriously – therefore we must question whether Hardy truly intends it. Nevertheless, it advances the idea of the twain existing in a marital bond. Note the sudden use of speech, in the present tense. Very dramatic. Brings the Twain together in Time for the last time!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Feminists :: essays research papers

Feminists While surfing the internet yesterday I came across an article discussing women and their role in a changing society. The article, which was written by Karin Crosbie stated that although women have come a long way in the field of women's rights, there is still a long way to go. Crosbie stated that she is a feminist, and as a feminist it is her responsibility to see that action is taken to further the cause of the women by any means necessary. She explains that women should not have to prove anything to men by such means as shaving their legs, nor conform by covering up the natural self with makeup. I agree with the overall concept she is trying to convey, I feel that women do need to take action, and that not all opportunities are yet equal. The problem I have with her article is the image that she and other contemporary activists are coveying to the rest of society. When I think of a feminist two pictures come into mind. The first, which maybe a little outdated is a women like Susan B. Anthony, someone fighting for real issues that matter. The second is of a women like the author above, someone who is extreme just to be extreme. To my disappointment it seems the later is becoming more prevalent within society. After reading the article I scrolled down the page to where it listed "more feminist links", the five that were given consisted of; three lesbian rights pages, and two "neo-feminist pages". Thinking this must be only a small percentage of feminist pages which were given by this specific author, I went back and searched many of the feminist pages on the web myself. To my unpleasant surprise it turned out that almost all were expressive of the same extreme theme. So what does the current view of feminists as a whole mean to society? I feel that the current view of feminists is detrimental to the women's movement. One reason is that I feel the current views expressed by Crosbie are not only unattractive but in a way repulsive. Once women could be proud to say they were feminists. Today it is some kind of extreme word that places you amongst radicals. This image could turn away perspective activists who would be major contributors to the movement. Another reason is that the focus has become more on trivial extremities then on real issues. No one cares if women shaves her legs or not, and although it might be some kind of symbolic stand I feel it is a

Thursday, October 24, 2019

General Overview Of Solid Waste Management Environmental Sciences Essay

As clarified in the introductory portion of this survey, Solid Waste Management is defined as the aggregation, transit, processing or intervention, recycling or disposal and eventually monitoring of waste stuffs. The term is normally related to the stuffs produced by assorted activities undertaken by worlds and is by and large carried out to cut down their negative effects on their wellness, environment and aesthetics. Waste direction is besides undertaken to retrieve resources for farther commercial or economic benefits. Waste direction can affect the managing of solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive waste stuffs, and for which there are assorted methods and Fieldss of expertness for each type. As the topic of this research suggests, we will be concentrating on the direction of solid waste merely. Waste direction patterns differ for developed and developing states, for urban and rural countries, and for residential and industrial manufacturers. Management for non-hazardous residential and institutional waste in metropolitan countries around the universe, is normally the duty of the local authorities governments, while direction for non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste is normally the premier duty of the manufacturer. Waste is an ineluctable byproduct of most human activity. Economic development and lifting life criterions in the Asiatic and Pacific Region have led to an addition in the measure and complexness of generated waste, while industrial variegation and the proviso of expanded health-care installations have added significant measures of industrial risky waste and biomedical waste into the waste watercourse which will potentially hold terrible environmental and human wellness effects. In the undermentioned paragraphs, we will be discoursing the coevals and types of turning volume of solid waste, which poses formidable challenges to the universe.TYPES OF WASTE & A ; THEIR DIFFERENTIATIONGENERATION AND CHARACTERISTICSA clear grasp of the measures and features of the waste being generated is a cardinal constituent in the development of strong and cost-efficient solid waste direction schemes. In some of the more developed states, the quantification and word picture of waste signifiers the foot ing for direction and intercession, while in the underdeveloped universe small precedence is given to the systematic surveying of waste coevals and direction and future tendencies of waste coevals are ill understood. Although there is a deficiency of comprehensive or consistent information, at the state degree, some wide tendencies and common elements are evident while discoursing the coevals and types of solid waste. In general, the developed states generate much higher measures of waste per capita compared to the developing states of the part. However, in certain fortunes the direction of even little measures of waste poses a important challenge. For illustration, in the little islands of the South Pacific sub part, little populations and modest economic activity have ensured that comparatively low measures of waste are generated. However, many of these states, peculiarly little states such as Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands, face considerable waste direction challenges due to their little land countries and attendant deficiency of disposal options. Throughout the universe, the chief beginnings of solid waste are residential families and the agricultural, commercial, building, industrial and institutional sectors. For the intents of this survey, these beginnings are defined as giving rise to four major classs of waste: municipal solid waste, industrial waste, agricultural waste, hospital waste and risky waste. Each of these waste types is examined individually below.Municipal Solid WasteMunicipal solid waste ( MSW ) is generated from families, offices, hotels, stores, schools and such other establishments. The major constituents are nutrient waste, paper, plastic, shreds, metal and glass. Although destruction and building dust is frequently included in gathered waste, as are besides little measures of risky waste, such as electric visible radiation bulbs, batteries, automotive parts and discarded medical specialties and chemicals. Coevals rates for MSW vary from metropolis to metropolis and from season to season and have a strong correlativity with degrees of economic development and activity. High-income states ( such as Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Republic of Korea, and Singapore ) produce between 1.1 and 5.0 kg/capita/ twenty-four hours ; middle-income states ( such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand ) generate between 0.52 and 1.0 kg/capita/day, whilst low-income states ( such as Bangladesh, India, Viet Nam, Pakistan and Myanmar ) have coevals rates of between 0.45 and 0.89 kg/capita/ twenty-four hours. Taken as a whole, the Asian and Pacific Region presently produces some 1.5 million dozenss of MSW each twenty-four hours and this is expected to more than double by 2025 ( World Bank, 1999 ) . The sum of human fecal matters in the MSW is important in chunky countries of many Asiatic and Pacific metropoliss where â€Å" wrap and throw † sanitation is practiced or bucket latrines are emptied into waste containers. The latter is common in many metropoliss ( such as Calcutta, Dhaka and Hanoi ) of the part where there are minimum or uneffective sewage systems.Industrial Solid WasteIndustrial solid waste in the Asiatic and Pacific Region, as elsewhere, encompasses a broad scope of stuffs of changing environmental toxicity. Typically this scope would include paper, packaging stuffs, waste from nutrient processing, oils, dissolvers, rosins, pigments and sludge, glass, ceramics, rocks, metals, plastics, gum elastic, leather, wood, fabric, straw and abradants. As with municipal solid waste, due to the absence of a regularly up-dated and systematic database on industrial solid waste, the exact rates of coevals are mostly unknown. Industrial solid waste coevals varies, non merely between states at different phases of development but besides between developing states. In People ‘s Republic of China, for illustration, the coevals ratio of municipal to industrial solid waste is one to three. In Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, nevertheless, this ratio is much lower. In high-income, developed states, such as Australia and Japan, the ratio is one to eight. However, based on an mean ratio for the Asian and Pacific part, the industrial solid waste coevals is tantamount to 1,900 million dozenss per annum. This sum is expected to increase well and at the current growing rates, it is estimated that it will duplicate in less than 20 old ages. As the bing industrial solid waste aggregation, processing and disposal systems of many states are gro ssly unequal ; such incremental growing will present really serious challenges.Agricultural Waste and ResiduesExpanding agricultural production has of course resulted in increased measures of farm animal waste, agricultural harvest residues and agro-industrial byproducts. Among the states in the Asiatic and Pacific Region, People ‘s Republic of China produces the largest measures of agribusiness waste and harvest residues followed by India. In People ‘s Republic of China, some 587 million dozenss of residues are generated yearly from the production of rice, maize and wheat entirely. In Pakistan, approximately 56.22 million dozenss of different harvest residues are generated yearly, of which 12.46 million dozenss originate from cotton, 2.90 million dozenss from corn, 12.87 million dozenss from sugar cane, 8.16 million dozenss from rice and 19.83 million dozenss from wheat. In add-on, Pakistan produces other wastes amounting to some 28 million dozenss of which 58 % are car nal waste, 40 % is sugarcane bagasse and the staying 2 % comprises a mix of jute, mustard chaffs, benne sticks, Castor seed chaffs, sunflower chaffs and baccy chaffs ( ESCAP 1997 ) .Hospital/ Hazardous WasteHospital waste is generated during the diagnosing, intervention, or immunisation of human existences or animate beings or in research activities in these Fieldss or in the production or testing of biological stuffs. It may include wastes like solid waste, disposables, anatomical waste, civilizations, discarded medical specialties and chemical wastes. These are in the signifier of disposable panpipes, swabs, patchs, organic structure fluids and human body waste. This waste is extremely infective and can be a serious menace to human wellness if non managed in a scientific and discriminate mode. It has been approximately estimated that of the 4 kilogram of waste generated in a infirmary at least 1 kilograms would be infected. In Punjab, Pakistan, 75 dozenss of clinical waste is produced daily. The rate of coevals per bed per twenty-four hours is 1.8 kilogram. There are 35 infirmaries in Lahore, which generate 6 dozenss of clinical waste daily. Most risky waste is the byproduct of a wide spectrum of industrial, agricultural and fabrication procedures, atomic constitutions, infirmaries and health-care installations. Chiefly, high-volume generators of industrial risky waste are the chemical, petrochemical, crude oil, metals, wood intervention, mush and paper, leather, fabrics and energy production workss ( coal-burning and atomic power workss and crude oil production workss ) . The chief types of risky waste generated in the Asiatic and Pacific Region, include waste dissolvers, Cl bearing waste and pesticideorganophosphate-herbicide-urea-fungicide bearing waste. In peculiar, dissolvers are extensively used and, as a effect, big measures of waste dissolvers are produced.Table: Beginnings of solid wastes, typical waste generators and types of solid waste generated( Adapted from Pakistan State of the Environment Report 2005, bill of exchange, p. 113 )METHODS OF DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTEThere are a assortment of ways in which solid waste can be disposed off. Following are some of the methods of solid waste disposal.Figure: The Solid Waste Management HierarchyBeginning: Waste Hierarchy: Who ‘s on Top in the Game of Trash? By Raquel Fagan1. LandfillA landfill, besides called a shit or a rubbish shit is a site for the concluding disposal of waste stuffs by burial and is the oldest and most widespread signifier of waste intervention. Historically, landfills have been the most common methods of organized waste disposal and remain so in many topographic points around the universe. Landfills may include both the waste disposal sites around metropoliss ( where a manufacturer of waste carries out their ain waste disposal at the topographic point of production ) and every bit good as sites used by many manufacturers. Many landfills are besides used for other waste direction intents, such as the impermanent storage, consolidation and transportation, or processing of waste stuff ( screening, intervention, or recycling ) . Disposing of waste in a landfill involves the burial of waste and they are frequently established or located in abandoned or fresh big ditches, mining nothingnesss or tunnel cavities. A decently designed and well-managed landfill can be a hygienic and comparatively cheap method of disposing of waste stuffs. Older or ill designed and managed landfills can make a figure of unfavourable environmental impacts such as wind-blown litter, attractive force of plagues, and coevals of liquid leachate. Another common by-product of landfills is gas ( largely composed of methane and C dioxide ) , which is produced when organic waste interruptions down anaerobically. This gas can make stench jobs, kill surface works life, and is a nursery gas.Figure: A Landfill in ActionBeginning: ( Posters ) , Reduce, Reuse, RecycleThe design features of a modern landfill should include steps to incorporate leachate such as a dirt or plastic liner stuff. Deposited waste is usually compressed to increase i ts denseness and stableness, and is covered to forestall pulling plagues ( such as mice or rats ) . Many landfills besides have gas extraction systems fixed to take the gas produced in the waste. Gas is so pumped out of the landfill utilizing pierced pipes and flared off or fire in a gas engine to bring forth electricity.2. IncinerationIncineration is another waste disposal method which involves the combustion of waste stuff. Incineration and similar other high temperature waste intervention systems are sometimes described as â€Å" thermic intervention † methods. Incinerators convert waste stuffs into heat, gas, steam, and ash. Incineration is undertaken both on a private graduated table by persons and on a big graduated table by industries. It is used to dispose of all types of solid, liquid and gaseous waste. It is recognized as rather a utile method of disposing of certain risky waste stuffs ( such as biological medical waste ) . Incineration can be a controversial method of waste disposal, due to issues such as emanation of gaseous pollutants. Incineration is common in states such as Japan where land is non openly available, as these installations by and large do non necessitate as much country as landfills. Waste-to-energy ( WtE ) or energy-from-waste ( EfW ) are wide footings for installations that burn waste in a furnace or boiler to bring forth heat, steam and/or electricity. Combustion in an incinerator is non ever perfect and there have been concerns about micro-pollutants in gaseous emanations from incinerator tonss. Particular concern has focused on some really relentless organics such as dioxins, furans, PAHs ( poly aromatic hydrocarbons ) that may be created within the incinerator and afterwards in the incinerator plume, which may hold serious environmental effects in the country instantly around the incinerator. On the other manus, this method or the more benign anaerobiotic digestion produces heat that can be used as energy.Figure: Basic layout of a province of the art municipal solid waste incineration worksBe ginning: vonRoll Inova: Grate burning systems. Zurich.3. CompostingCompost is an organic stuff which is a combination of decomposed workss and carnal stuffs and other organic stuffs that are being decomposed mostly through aerophilic decomposition into a rich black dirt. The procedure of composting is simple and practiced in private by persons in their places, agriculturally by husbandmans on their lands and industrially by industries and metropoliss. Compost dirt is really rich and is used for many intents. A few of the topographic points that it is used are in gardens, landscape gardening, gardening and agribusiness. The compost of dirt itself is good for the land in many ways, including as dirt conditioner, as fertiliser to add critical humus or humic acids, and as a natural pesticide. In ecosystems, compost dirt is utile for eroding control, land and watercourse renewal, wetland building and as landfill screen. As concern about landfill infinite additions, world-wide involvement in recycling by agencies of composting is turning, since it is a procedure for change overing analyzable organic stuffs into utile stable merchandises.4. Plasma GasificationPlasma is a extremely electrically charged gas. An illustration in nature is lightning, capable of bring forthing temperatures transcending 12,600A A °F ( 6,980A A °C ) . A gasifier vas utilizes proprietary plasma torches runing at +10,000A A °F ( 5,540A A °C ) ( the surface temperature of the Sun ) in order to make a gasification zone of up to 3,000A A °F ( 1,650A A °C ) to change over solid or liquid wastes into a syngas ( Alliance Federated Energy, hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Syngas ( from synthesis gas ) is the name given to a gas mixture that contains changing sums of C monoxide and H. When municipal solid waste is subjected to this utmost heat within the vas, the waste ‘s molecular bonds break down into basic constituents. The procedure therefore consequences in riddance of waste and risky stuffs. Plasma gasification offers states new chances for waste disposal, and more significantly for renewable power coevals in an environmentally sustainable mode.THE MODEL FOR INTEGRATED SWMThe Model for the Integrated Solid Waste Management has been presented by research workers, Joe E. Heimlich, Kerry L. Hughes and Ann D. Christy at the Ohio State University, USA, as portion of its Community Development Initiative.Figure: The Integrated SWM ModelBeginning: Community Development Initiative, Ohio State University, USAThe scheme behind the development of this theoretical account is to place the degree or degrees at which the highest values of single and corporate stuffs can be recovered. No individual solution wholly answers the inquiry of what to make with our waste. Every community or part has its ain alone profile of solid waste. The composing of solid waste besides varies, depending on diverse variables such as urbanisation, commercial endeavors, fabrication and service sector activities. Similarly the attitudes of people in different parts of any state vary sing waste direction patterns. This is frequently referred to as Waste Management Ethics and includes the recycling ethic and litter moral principle of a community as subcategories. Community diverseness and waste diverseness are the two chief grounds why no individual method of waste disposal has been accepted as the best method. However, all communities besides have the same options to blow disposal as good. For this ground, the Integrated Waste Management starts with decrease ( utilizing less ) and recycling more, thereby salvaging stuff production, resource cost and energy. At the underside of the list, lies the Landfill, which is the ultimate method of Waste Disposal around the universe.THE THREE R ‘SREDUCE: Conserving resources and environment by cut downing the measure of waste that is produced. Reducing the waste coevals is the most desirable waste direction method as it does off with the demand to manage, conveyance, recycle, or disposal of waste in the first topographic point. REUSE: Reconditioning unwanted manufactured merchandises. Largely carried out by scavengers in developing states. It fundamentally means utilizing a merchandise more than one time, either for the same intent or for a different 1. For illustration, utilizing lasting java mugs, towels, serviettes, replenishing bottles etc. RECYCLE: Recovering and recycling stuffs by assorted interventions. Mostly paper and Sns. It includes recycling of organic wastes to do new or similar merchandises but excludes recovery of energy from waste stuffs